Prohibited and Restricted Products and Services List

Last version: October 10, 2023

To download and print these General Prohibited and Restricted Products and Services List, click here.

Our Values and Eligibility Customer Criteria

Verifai has developed powerful software to verify the online identity of a natural person on a friendly, secure and privacy-proof basis in the real world. We believe that our Verifai Products and Service can support organizations and businesses to reduce identity fraud around the globe. Besides the legal and regulatory obligations, we attach great value to the ethical issues which arise by the use of identity verification technologies. To meet the internal and external obligations, some industries may be restricted or prohibited from working with Verifai as described in the General Terms and Conditions - Including Data Processing Agreement ( The Prohibited and Restricted Products and Services List is based on a range of factors including, but not limited to the following:



1. Definitions

In the Prohibited and Restricted Products and Services List, the following terms and definitions shall apply:





means that the products and services offered by a legal entity are restricted from using Verifai Products and Services. The legal entity is required to provide additional documentation to Verifai prior to onboarding. When Verifai approves the registration, it does not imply that the approval was given for subcategories within a category which are prohibited or restricted in accordance with this list. The Customer remains fully responsible to ensure that their products and services and those of their partners and affiliates are compliant with all applicable laws, regulations and the General Terms and Conditions - Including Data Processing Agreement (


means that the products and services offered by a legal entity are prohibited from using Verifai Products and Services. When you register an Account on the Site, you agree and confirm that you are not offering or are affiliated to the products or services listed as prohibited.

2. Prohibited and Restricted Products and Services

The list below shows all types of industries, products and services that are Prohibited or Restricted from using Verifai Products and Services.



The Customer

Adult goods


Content: videos, audio, websites, streaming services, books, magazines, erotic dating apps or websites, or any other content formats deemed offensive or of a sexual or erotical nature.


Entertainment: strip clubs, topless barts, gentleman's clubs, porn cinemas, sexually oriented massage parlors, escort agencies, porn agencies, saunas, or any sexually- or erortically services.



Financial Businesses


The Customer

Crypto wallets, miners, platforms or exchange services (Registered and licensed at a financial authority in the European Economic Area and United Kingdom).


Crypto wallets, miners, platforms or exchange services (Unregistered and unlicensed at a financial authority in the European Economic Area and United Kingdom).


Money transfer & remittance businesses


Financial markets: savings, investment, insurance, lending, pensions, capital markets, asset management and accounting organizations and reporting Restricted




The Customer

Casino’s, gambling apps or websites, lotteries, bingo, poker, slot machines, racing, fantasy sports  and other gambling services (Registered and licensed at a local authority in the European Economic Area and United Kingdom).


Casino’s, gambling apps or websites, lotteries, bingo’s and other gambling services (Registered and licensed at a local authority outside the European Economic Area and United Kingdom).





The Customer

Drugs, drug ingredients, production or creation of drugs and equipment specifically intended for the production of drugs, drug paraphernalia, illegal drugs, substances designed to imitate illegal drugs and / or other psychoactive products


Weapons, including but not limited to knives, guns, pistols, shotguns, military arms, ammo and other explosives.


Trade and sale of fireworks, flammable or radioactive materials.


Illegal products and services or any service which supports illegal activities.



Other products & services


The Customer

Human body parts or bodily fluids


Border Security and law enforcement


Business and organizations operating and/or established in sanctioned countries


Business and organizations owned by a natural person which is listed on a Sanction list, Politically Exposed Person list and/or Terrorist List
