Know your customers

with Verifai's identity verification platform

An integrated identity verification platform

Verifai simplifies capturing data of an identity document, checking of the document authenticity and performing document ownership checks, so customers are verified in a blink of an eye and you have more time to focus on more important matters.

Identity verification steps on iOS

Effortlessly achieve identity verification with a phone

Verify the identity of your customer with ease by integrating our all-in-one mobile solutions.

Identity check on web

Advanced identity verification for the web

Securely verify customer identity through an easy to integrate web solution.

Verifai dashboard

Everything you need for identity verification at a glance

Obtain a deeper understanding of all  your customers with in-depth insights and reporting all in one place. 

The highest standards of safety, integrity and stability

Our software is built on privacy and security by design. Personal data processing is minimized and takes place on servers that meet strict European security standards. We are fully GDPR compliant and our servers are ISO 27001 certified.

GDPR compliant
GDPR compliant
256-bit SSL encryption
256-bit SSL encryption
Processed in the Netherlands
Processed in the Netherlands

The identity verification platform built for security and growth

Gain a competitive advantage with fast and easy-to-use identity verification. Verifai's integrated platform lets you grow your business without hassle.
Maximize conversion rates

Maximize conversion, minimize drop-offs

Organizations often unnecessarily add extra friction to the verification process, causing potential clients to drop out early. That does not have to be the status quo. Earn more money with first-class identity verification. With Verifai, you streamline the identity verification process, maximizing conversions and minimizing drop-offs.

Know your customer

Don't leave legitimate customers in the dark

Customers value their time and they expect you to value it too. Achieve a fast and fluid easy-to-use verification process with Verifai, while minimizing identity fraud risks. With our software, you guarantee an optimal experience for every user.

Extensive language support

We speak your customer’s language

It doesn't matter what language your customer speaks. By supporting 20 major languages, we support your customer's mother tongue. The nice thing is: you don't have to do anything. The language is automatically applied according to the user's language settings.

Identity check tools

We deliver the tools, you control them

Whether you want a secure copy of an identity document, process data of such a document, or check the document ownership, Verifai offers the complete package to support any organization. You decide what you need and we make it happen. On top of that, all data processing is fully compliant with legal requirements.

Easily integrated APIs and SDKs

Our APIs and SDKs can be easily and quickly integrated into existing mobile and web applications. The modular structure of our products enables you to configure all functionalities to suit your needs. After the verification process, we provide neat results back to you that you can use in your business processes immediately.

Example apps for developers

Need mobile integration, but don't know where to begin? Start with our example apps for Android or iOS. This way you get Verifai working in a snap.

Experience our live web demo

Want to try our Web SDK? Test it out in our live demo environment! If you are convinced, you can start implementing right away.
Accessing the MRZ data after a successful scan
do {
    try Verifai.start(over: self) { result in
        switch result {
        case .failure(let err):
            print("Error or cancellation: \(err)")
        case .success(let successResult):
            // Continue with the result
            let mrzData = successResult.mrzData
            // Print the given names
            print("Given names: \(mrzData?.givenNames)") 
} catch {
    print("Unhandled error: \(error)")


Belsimpel launches Verifai to battle identity fraud

25 May 2021

How do you create the best experience for establishing someone’s true identity in a digital world? In 2016, we faced this question at the company

Verifai’s AI-powered OCR-technology

27 August 2020

This free white paper explains how Verifai uses artificial intelligence in its optical character recognition system for identity verification. 

White paper

Use Verifai to detect and prevent fraud